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The Pan-European Memorial for Victims of Totalitarianism: Unveiling the Concept

The Pan-European Memorial for Victims of Totalitarianism: Unveiling the Concept
The Pan-European Memorial for Victims of Totalitarianism: Unveiling the Concept
Presentation + Panel discussion
02.02.2024, 13.00 | Pariser Platz 4A, 10117 Berlin | Registration: https://forms.gle/qwn5kCAsHgvZgBUx8
Join us for an insightful and thought-provoking event where we unveil the concept for the Pan-European Memorial dedicated to the victims of Totalitarianism in the XX century. The need for such a memorial is more crucial than ever in the face of rising extremism and nationalism in Europe. This event aims to commemorate the tragic human toll of the struggles for freedom and democracy and underscores the lessons learned from the totalitarian past.
Including contributions by:
– The creators of the memorial: Marek Mutor, Wojciech Bednarski and Tszwai So
– Andrii Portnov
– Florian Mausbach
– Krista-Marija Läbe
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