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„Witold Pilecki. In Resistance to Hitler and Stalin“ by Jack Fairweather

"Witold Pilecki. In Resistance to Hitler and Stalin" by Jack Fairweather

Special guided Tour of the Permanent Exhibition „Witold Pilecki. In Resistance to Hitler and Stalin“ by Co-Curator Jack Fairweather (eng.)

30.01. 17.00 | Pariser Platz 4A, 10117 Berlin
Registration: https://forms.gle/7D9LbSo167GDWNE86

Witold Pilecki volunteered to be imprisoned in Auschwitz to report on Nazi crimes in the camp on behalf of the Polish underground. This extraordinary act of resistance made Pilecki the first to grapple with the camp’s horrors in his secret reports to the Allies and the first to call on the world to take action. Join bestselling author Jack Fairweather to learn more about Pilecki’s mission on a tour through the award-winning Volunteer exhibition. Jack will share his insights into what he learnt following in Pilecki’s footsteps for five years, and why his story matters so much today.

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