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YOUNG PEOPLE remember Set-Up Lab: Design

YOUNG PEOPLE remember Set-Up Lab: Design

EVZ Foundation: In order to initiate new international and interdisciplinary partnerships at eye level and to qualify educators to develop and implement effective pedagogical projects, the funding program YOUNG PEOPLE remember international offers Set-Up Labs.
Set-Up Lab Design: This international project development workshop provides you with impulses and suggestions to further develop and enhance your own project ideas. Special emphasis is placed on the topics of multi-perspectivity, participant-orientation and innovative formats for international youth work.
Please register on our website
Thursday, August 22, 2024, 9.00 am – 12.00 am CEST
On ZOOM in English
The Set-Up Lab: Design is for all those who
– work in schools or youth work institutions, memorial sites, museums, documentation centers or NGOs in the field of civic and history education
– are looking for new impulses for educational work with young people
– are interested in the topics of multi-perspectivity and participant orientation
– are looking for innovative project concepts in the field of history education and culture of remembrance and want to develop new formats in this field
– want to expand their international contact networks
The Set-Up Lab: Design offers you the opportunity
– to meet ecucators from all over Europe and Israel
– to gain impulses on the topics of participant-orientation, multi– perspectivity and innovative formats
– to further develop your own project ideas with regard to participant orientation, multi-perspectivity and digital, analogue and hybrid exchange formats
– to discuss your own questions and challenges in a peer-expert-dialogue

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