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YOUNG WORLDS? What are the political and social views of young people in Russia, Ukraine, and Belarus?

YOUNG WORLDS? What are the political and social views of young people in Russia, Ukraine, and Belarus?

The post-Soviet space is constantly changing and youth plays a special role in it – be it in the political changes in Ukraine since 2014, the current protests in Belarus or the protests in Russia. Youth in many post-Soviet countries request more genuine forms of political participation and they play a significant role in political and societal changes in their countries.

It is important to engage with these young people – however contradictory and diverse their views and values are. In this event, we present the results of the study by Dr. Félix Krawatzek, researcher at ZOiS in Berlin, who compares the attitudes of young people in the three countries, drawing on his own research and the data of the FES Youth Studies.

The study and an executive summary of the results can be downloaded here


Opening remarks

Matthias Jobelius, Head of the Department for Central and Eastern Europe, Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung
Presentation of the results of the FES study “Young Worlds”

Félix Krawatzek, Author of the study and Senior Researcher at the Centre for East European and International Studies (ZOiS)


Elena Omelchenko, Higher School of Economics, St. Petersburg, Russia

Kateryna Zarembo, Associate Fellow, New Europe Center, Ukraine

Philipp Bikanau, Research Project Manager, SATIO market research company, Belarus


Christopher Forst, FES Representative for Belarus and Director of Regional FES Office Dialogue Eastern Europe.

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Eine Veranstaltung der Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung


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